Did you read that thing about J.K. Rowling saying Hermione would have been better off with Harry?

Brain turned from his study of Robbie’s profile.

“Did you read that thing about J.K. Rowling saying Hermione would have been better off with Harry?”

“That was a while back…” answered Amelia, a little snidely.

Chad said, “I think what she said was that the series’ storyline really demanded pairing Hermione Granger with Harry; that she’d originally conceived of pairing Hermione and Ron out of some kind of personal wish-fulfilment thing that had nothing to do with its credibility in the storyline and that, even though she soon recognized it as being nonsensical, she proceeded to doggedly adhere to the original outline. We can all identify with that!” he chuckled.

“So what do you think?” Brain pressed.

“I think it may be true that Hermione would have been better off with Harry – but there’s no way Harry would have been better off without Ginny. I can’t see how anyone could love him more or better than Ginny did. That was an amazing combination of motherly love and… passion? – a double whammy’s-worth of fiercely protective love.

“I must say: Bonnie Wright‘s portrayal of that love? – AMAZING! I mean, I’m sure there was some cleverly insightful coaching from the director, masterful mood-setting by the cinematographer, and crackerjack storybook framing by the editor, but – Bonnie Wright’s portrayal of that love? … … …AMAZING! Sorry, I was trying to find a different word, but… AMAZING!

“And, you know, sorry to say, I have to agree that the storyline sometimes seemed predisposed to a Harry/Hermione hookup. Even destined for one. But other possible hookups were thrown out there too and I distinctly remember thinking, as I read: No! No! It’s Ginny! It’s got to be Ginny! Harry needs her! – and thinking I’d have to write to Ms. Rowling and plead my case. I can’t tell you how relieved I was when the storyline seemed to be going my way in that regard.

And I don’t think Harry was naturally as into Ginny as he might have been into Hermione. I think, in the end, Hermione and he might have loved each other a little more equally. But with Ginny, the love he’d reciprocate – the love he’d reflect – was just so powerful to begin with that it must end up being greater than anything he could have ever shown Hermione. You know what I mean? How could you be wrapped in such love and not love back as strongly?”

Silence. Stunned silence. No one seemed ready or able to show or say they did know what he meant. And enough time passed that he realized he’d shared his thoughts too easily. He cleared his throat.

“I think I need to get some more water,” he said, hoarsely.

He went to stand, but Amelia’s hand flashed out and clamped his forearm to the arm of the chair. He fell back in his seat as Amelia twisted in hers, turning her head from the others to face him; her long hair shielding their exchange.

“Oh my… Chad!” she whispered, searching his eyes.

Brain and Robbie shared a look. Brain cupped his hand at his cheek and mouthed, “MAUDLIN….!”

[Publisher AI’s note: I know Chad saw this exchange between Robbie and Brain, sitting across from Amelia and him, and I’d bet he could guess their reaction, but he won’t know exactly what it was until this is published. I wonder how he’ll react.]