Amelia Falls into the Garage with the Packard Caribbean, shoved by the helicopter’s rotor wash, off her feet and into the air… a copyrighted excerpt follows, from Rocket McGee Avoiding Trouble! or Flight of the Golden Caterpillar, Book 1 in the kidlit Rocket McGee Series.
…like having the rug pulled out from under me, she reflected, remotely, as she backstroked through the roiled and scorching, debris-filled air.
She pictured an ugly, scratchy, painful fall, slap-dab in the middle of a flaming thorn bush, charred and torn to shreds and at the mercy of her attackers, who even then rushed towards her, but instead she fell back softly, almost in slow motion, borne by tingling invisible fingers to the concrete floor of a dimly lit room, and she stared up at the back of a green garage door.
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